Resistance Sports Science is nearly turning 2! Over these years, RSS has developed from an athlete gym which runs group classes for anyone. To an athlete specific gym for any athletes looking to develop their physical skills in their sport. We are one of a very few niche gyms in Australia who specifically work with amateur - Professional athletes, teams and whole clubs!
Our vision is clear. Resistance Sports Science aims to give the athlete community a space where they can train in an elite setting away from their sporting organisations. Athletes are given very little support unless they play for the top teams. Resistance is changing that. No where else are athletes in Queensland able to have access to 7 days a week support, gym programs tailored to them, physio, remedial massage, sports science, endurance coaching and exercise physiology. RSS is Queensland's stepping stone to reaching the big time. Our goal isn’t to be the best gym in Brisbane. Our goal is to showcase a community where we are known for being the best gym in Brisbane for athletes.

Once you walk into our doors, you will see there are ZERO bodybuilders, cross fitters or high intensity boot campers. Our members are athletes. They are functional strength, speed and power athletes who train completely differently to your everyday leisurely gym goer. We understand that body composition is critical for performance, but we also understand that mental health is just as important. We reinforce to all of our athletes that your perfect weight will come with consistent targeted eating and training. This can only happen with time. Not in an 8 week challenge.
Resistance teaches and educates our athletes that strength and conditioning is a long term process. We use our Performance testing protocols and Sports Science analytics to ensure we understand your body completely before you start. This is re-tested every 12 weeks giving us key information on what you need to continue your physical improvement as an athlete.
All of our Strength and Conditioning Coaches and Sports Science Staff are highly qualified and trained. They not only pursue further learning outside of what University has taught them, they also apply their knowledge on themselves before giving it to an athlete. No athlete is a test dummy in our doors! Our Strength and Conditioning Coaches train themselves and with each other to maximise our own performance!
That small town gym in Enoggera isn’t so little anymore. Resistance Sports Science is creating a name for itself which is delivering incomprehensible growth. Our athletes are reaching new heights, they are faster, stronger, fitter. They are taking on the world and having a great time doing it. We are Queensland's go to gym for athletes and we look forward to playing our part in their continued success.
Get down to Enoggera!